Riffing On Realness™

The 4th Quarter Grind

Episode Summary

IMPORTANT UPDATE HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Jen and I wish for you to have a wonderful holiday season. Please take good care of yourself and get support if these are difficult days for you. We will be taking December off from podcasting but we’ll meet you right back here in January! The 4th quarter of the year can be a real push for entrepreneurs. It’s the time where there can be pressure to make the most of this year, but also the push to look ahead and be priming the pump for the coming year. It is easy to fall prey to the demands of busy holidays and family commitments alongside the responsibilities in our business. We often see people just crash into the end of the year from all the hustle and spend the beginning of the next needing recovery time instead of pursuing their goals. It can happen week to week and layer by layer and before you know it we are buried in busy and everything is a chore and it's hard to find the joy. In today’s episode, we explore this experience and share our own stories and tools for recovering if you are in it, and offer suggestions on how to avoid it altogether.

Episode Notes

Featured points to listen for and ponder: